Physical Therapy Workshop for Dancers/Athletes
Location: Hosanna Dance Studio, 104 E Pleasant, Pierre, SD
Time: February 15, 2014, 2-4:30pm
come early if you have an injury you would like looked at
Cost: $30
To Register: call Sunny at 605.945.1044
Improve Your Dancing - understand and improve your turnout and foot and ankle strength.
Ruth Scott will be teaching a 2 1/2 hour workshop in February. By the end of the session, each dancer will fully understand turnout, how to improve it without injury, how to use it correctly and find the muscles around the hip that are involved in turnout. Dancers will also learn how to strengthen the feet and ankles and correctly use the muscles of the feet and lower leg.
Each dancer will receive a theraband, exercise handouts, golf ball for foot massage and a pinkie ball for release of the lateral hip rotators as part of the fee. Cost is $30 and each session is limited to 10 dancers.
Bring your questions about any issues you may have with nagging injuries.
original post:
Hosanna Dance: Dance workshop in Pierre: There will be a workshop in Pierre the third weekend in January at Hosanna Dance Studio. Improve Your Dancing - understand and improve...